Natures Digest image.jpg

Nature’s Digest

The works of Laura Wills and Will Cheesman so far, it seems to me, are about grounding moments. All of them, come up, and then go down. But hold the dystopia! its not that kind of disappearing Public Art!

Maybe I’m just stating something obvious about quality. A sculpture is something “above of and connected to (a) ground”, right? And its normal for public art to be “for kids, or the ‘kid’ in you”. Are these attributes necessary, therefore not unique? Tell me, am I accrediting physiognomy onto a skeleton? That’s impossible you say! “All the works are acephalic”. Again, that is obvious. In none of the works is there a ‘head’, and that helps me think, that the works are less about ego and more about intuition, investigation, observation, and digestion. They Bend and Flow, Dig and Delve. Drawings decorate the brown steel like epithelium on the gut wall. Or rather, the images have already been digested, by the artist’s brush.

Rust itself is a testament to digestion.

Also, I’ve just re-discovered that in tao-ist medicine, iron is the element of the large intestine, and also for autumn (aka fall), and I think I’m onto something.

Wes Maselli