Developments in Riding

Laura Wills, William Cheesman 2012

Research developed made on a bicycle ride to NSW to undertake a residency at Bundanon.

Excert from our blog:

We rolled down into Nowra yesterday afternoon!!! After riding approx 770 km from Bairnsdale. We had a night in the caravan park to organise ourselves,- food and art supplies for the 4-week out of town residency. We frequented 3 of the towns op shops and found a great old Jacaranda Atlas to draw on, another old book, card, wood for Will to draw/ burn on and other bits and pieces. Regina Heilmann is the arts program manager we have been in contact with at Bundanon. Last night at the supermarket we bumped into her in isle 3! This is a giant stroke of luck. Having just spent up at the art supply store and the health food shop, Regina was more than happy to deliver our heavy wares by car. Will was rightly freaking out about how we were going to ride the last 30 km to Bundanon with all the stuff as we could easily break the bikes. Regina took our box and we continued to buy food supplies for the next week. After further heated convsations in the fresh food section we settled on one carrot, one passionfruit, one orange etc. Rolling out of town this morning we are the heaviest we've been.


My Celia 2020


The Weed Kitchen 2011