Weaving Communities
Weaving Communities, 2017, Laura Wills and Will Cheesman, assisted by Rosina Possingham
Community engagement project for Marion Celebrates Festival
Weaving communities was developed as a participatory public art installation that explored ideas of place, making and community. It used found and recycled materials to create a series of place making sculptures. These sculptures formed a site specific ephemeral work located outside the Marion Cultural Centre. The feel of the installation blurred the idea of inside and outside space. We included domestic objects like doormat, fridge, table and couch. Some of the objects were 'dressed' in live growing wheatgrass with a large section of the living grass used as a rug for people to sit on. The rug was one of 5 'stations' where people were invited to sit down to plait and weave together. The kitchen table, coffee table, hat/tree stand and couch were the other stations. Sculptures, fabric, yarn and plants were woven together. As participants did this they spent time together making, thinking and sharing.
Photos Credit: Sam Oster